I’m baaaaaack~~~

Hey Everyone~

I’m back after a long time away, I apologize for that, but it wasn’t like I got bored of it or anything, it’s just that I had a lot of RL issues to deal with which left me very little time for anything… NOT EVEN VIDEO GAMES D:

Anyway~ Here is a new chapter of Death/Communication to celebrate my coming back~~XD

ENJOY~ Read Online


Sorry for the delay.

Yeah, sorry about the delay, life sorta just happened so it was kinda done over the course of 3 days… But anyway~ here is your new Chapter of Death/Communication. Also, I will take my time from now on with these projects, I don’t have much time during the week.

Anyway~ Enjoy~

Read Here: Chapter 3

Death/Communication is OUT!!

The かぁあああ means that she’s “Flustered” I wonder why >.>

Ok~ so I finished with Chapter 1 and its all done~ After 1450 days of waiting for a group(unknown at the time) that was ‘Inactive’ it’s finally begun~  BTW chapters 1 – 4 are already out from said group, but I wanted to redo it so yeah…

Read it here: Chapter 1

Don’t forget to thank Watisit from Bento Scans for his help with this, the translation. Thanks so much Watisit~

じゃまた (See you later)


And so it begins…

So, small update for you guys~

My translator, Watisit, has started on translating Death/Communitction this weekend so expect it around the first week of September… that is if I can finish de-binding the tanks. Small note here, I DO have public raws for all of the volumes, but I’m not entirely pleased with the quality so that’s why I have the “Tanks” for them, gotta scan and clean them so I’ll do that while Watisit translates~

*sigh* I have to wait till my mom goes back to work to finish de-binding all my Projects, or else she’ll freak out about me “Nuking” books in the microwave… When she freaks out, she freaks out like its the end of the world the Apocalypse is coming, for doing something she doesn’t like… =.=;

じゃまた。 (See you later)
