I’m baaaaaack~~~

Hey Everyone~

I’m back after a long time away, I apologize for that, but it wasn’t like I got bored of it or anything, it’s just that I had a lot of RL issues to deal with which left me very little time for anything… NOT EVEN VIDEO GAMES D:

Anyway~ Here is a new chapter of Death/Communication to celebrate my coming back~~XD

ENJOY~ Read Online


Really Sorry u.u

I’m really sorry that I haven’t released anything for the past 2-3 weeks, RL tends to suck up all my free time. Anyway, I’ll release Ch.4, 5 & the bonus Ch all together once I finish it.

Also If you want faster releases you COULD offer to Typeset/redraw for me cuz that’s what takes up ALL my time, Cleaning/Cropping/Scanning take about 1hr – 3hrs, Typesetting/Redrawing take 4hrs to 7hrs depending, so yeah. I COULD TS/RD in less then 2hrs if I rush but that’ll be horrible so I will not be doing that.

If you do want to help, just comment on this post or send me a PM on Batoto or Chatango

じゃまた, Snow-san


Okay, so some of you are probably wondering where your new chapter is, right? Well, I haven’t gotten the complete translation from Watisit yet so be patient. I no doubt know that ALL of you have other manga you follow, so a delay in just one of those isn’t the end of the world. I myself follow nearly 300+ Manga, so I know the agony of waiting for new chapters can make people antsy or impatient.

On another note, since I’ve already cleaned Ch.4 and had some time, I’ve decided to learn Chinese and Japanese. And surprisingly its going well~ I know a few words, I can read and  say them as well as understand their meanings~

我(Wǒ) means “I”,”Me”, “Myself”
你好(Nǐ hǎo) means “Hello” It’s literally “You” & “Good”. If you add 吗(Ma) to it, ma makes it a question, it becomes 你好吗?(Nǐ hǎo ma) “How are you?”
Also in the dialog below you’ll notice that 喜欢(Xǐhuan) ,which means “like”, is used in reply and means “Yes”. That’s because in Chinese there is no Default word for “Yes” like in English. In Chinese, repeating the “positive” in a question means “Yes I…”( whatever the positive is), in this case its “Like” so It means “Yes I like it”.
你喜欢中国吗?(Do you like China?)
喜欢。(Yes) or (I like it)
你喜欢什么?(What do you like)
中国菜。(Chinese food)

If you want to say “I don’t like it”, you’d add a negative to it, like 不(Bù) Which means “No” or “Not, Does Not” so 不喜欢(Bù Xǐhuan) is “I don’t like it”.

I also know a bit more but writing them here will make it a TL;DR for some. I may put a new page about my Language learning journey at some point.

じゃまた~ Snow-san

Release Update #2

Yes~ Update number 2,

So I got the translation for Chapter 3 yesterday and I have finished prepping the raws for typesetting, so I’ll probably have it done before Saturday/Sunday, but I won’t release it till then.

On another note, this is in response to a comment on Batoto, a member commented on the fact that Iko’s, Niko’s & Miko’s names seemed like a pattern, and they are.

Iko’s name is Ninomae which is written with the Kan’ji for 1 –> 一 <– 1 is read “ichi”
Niko’s name is Shitanaga which is written with the Kan’ji for 2 –> ニ <– 2 is read “ni”
Miko’s name is Shinomae which is written with the Kan’ji for 3 –> 三 <– 3 is read “san”

Iko’s & Niko’s Family names is actually written that way, Iko’s Family name (click the first link), Niko’s Family name (Click the only link XD). I couldn’t find anything on Miko’s name, probably doesn’t exist >.>

For those of you that are curious, here are the numbers 1 – 10 in Japanese:
一 ニ 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 –> Reading in order below;
ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, nana, hachi, kyu, ju.

To make 11 its 10 before 1 or 十一; Do the same for 12+, for 20 its 2 before 10 or ニ十; Do the same for 30,40,etc. for 22 its just ニニ, <– thats the lazy way or ニ十ニ
Hundred is 百(hyaku), 100 is 一百 , 102 is 一百ニ and 130 is 一百三十
Thousand is 千(sen), 1000 is 一千, 1002 is 一千ニ, 1030 is 一千三十 , 1140 is 一千百四十
if you want to make it say, 1147 just add 七 to the end of it, 一千百四十七.

Or you could just write its as 1147… They know what numbers look like… :P

If I am wrong, person fluent in JP or CH, please correct me~ XD


Release Update

Hello~ or Konnichiwa(こんにちは)~

Small update for you~
I will, after a discussion with some people from other groups I work with, be putting Download Links for my releases in an new page called Downloads.

Also I have received the translation for Ch.2 of Death/Communication so expect that out by Saturday if not, Sunday.



Death/Communication is OUT!!

The かぁあああ means that she’s “Flustered” I wonder why >.>

Ok~ so I finished with Chapter 1 and its all done~ After 1450 days of waiting for a group(unknown at the time) that was ‘Inactive’ it’s finally begun~  BTW chapters 1 – 4 are already out from said group, but I wanted to redo it so yeah…

Read it here: Chapter 1

Don’t forget to thank Watisit from Bento Scans for his help with this, the translation. Thanks so much Watisit~

じゃまた (See you later)


And so it begins…

So, small update for you guys~

My translator, Watisit, has started on translating Death/Communitction this weekend so expect it around the first week of September… that is if I can finish de-binding the tanks. Small note here, I DO have public raws for all of the volumes, but I’m not entirely pleased with the quality so that’s why I have the “Tanks” for them, gotta scan and clean them so I’ll do that while Watisit translates~

*sigh* I have to wait till my mom goes back to work to finish de-binding all my Projects, or else she’ll freak out about me “Nuking” books in the microwave… When she freaks out, she freaks out like its the end of the world the Apocalypse is coming, for doing something she doesn’t like… =.=;

じゃまた。 (See you later)


Start of something new~

Hello~ Denizen of the interwebs~ or in JP -> こんにちはインターネットの住人

What? You don’t know what “Denizen” means? Well, to be honest, neither did I \(///Σ///)\… Well until I remembered Google~
No, I am not going to put all that… in short it means inhabitant or resident and other similar words~

Okay~ Back onto the important stuff~ I am starting this Scanlation Group for two reasons:
One — Because the group I am currently with –> Silent Sky <– Can’t handle seeing boobs and panties not to mention other things that follow the “Ecchi” genre (`ー´)Sigh… children (;¬_¬)
Two — Because I have the “Tanks” for the series I want to do~

Well that’s all for now folks~ Oh wait, almost forgot… I am Female~ and no, I WILL NOT put a picture of me on the internet… I don’t even do that on Facebook.

じゃまた。 (See you later)
